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The Self-Determination local volunteer advisory committee members have been chosen jointly by the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Bay Area Office and the Regional Center of the East Bay.

Also on the committee is Arthur Lipscomb, the Clients Rights Advocate at Disability Rights California.

Join us for RCEB’s Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee Meetings

All are welcome to join our monthly meetings on the first Monday of every month from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm on Zoom.

The agenda and meeting information can be found on our Community Calendar.

For language interpretation at our next meeting, please email by the Wednesday before the meeting.  Simultaneous Spanish interpretation is provided at these meetings. To request translation of meeting materials, email the same address.

¡Les damos la bienvenida a todos a nuestras juntas mensuales!  Tendremos un intérprete de español en esta reunión. Si desea solicitar los materiales traducidos en su idioma, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a la misma dirección.


Chúng tôi hoan nghinh tất cả các bạn tham gia vào các cuộc họp hàng tháng của chúng tôi!
Để yêu cầu phiên dịch ngôn ngữ của bạn trong cuộc họp tới của chúng tôi
Xin vui lòng gửi email đến trước ngày thứ Tư trước cuộc họp.
Để yêu cầu tài liệu được phiên dịch trong buồi họp, hãy gửi email đến cùng địa chỉ.

Committee Members

  • Irene Litherland
  • Arthur Lipscomb – Client Rights Advocate
  • Pamela Baird
  • Morena Grimaldi
  • Vi Ibarra
  • Jocelyn Manalac
  • Dianne Millner
  • Pei Wang
  • Lorena Gomez
  • Virginia Hom

Are You Interested in Joining Our Committee?

Regional Center of the East Bay (RCEB), in coordination with the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD), is recruiting volunteer Advisory Committee members to join.

In accordance with SB 468, this Advisory Committee will:

  • Provide oversight of the implementation of Self-Determination in Alameda & Contra Costa Counties
  • Help share and distribute best practices & training materials
  • Review the development & ongoing progress of California’s SelfDetermination Program
  • Make recommendations for improvement of the SelfDetermination program

Individuals with developmental disabilities, family members, advocates & community members are encouraged to apply.

RCEB SDLAC Committee Member Application

For more information, please contact:

Sheraden Nicholau
SCDD, Bay Area Office
(510) 286-0439


Michi Toy
(510) 618-7707